
What is the difference between the retail and volume license versions of Windows XP?

Q. What is the difference between the retail and volume license versions of Windows XP?

A. The volume license version of Windows XP does not require product activation and should only be used to install the software on departmental lab machines. A single volume license key (VLK) is given to each member department, and the program administrator is responsible for keeping the volume license key safe. It is extremely important that the VLK be kept secure and out of the hands of unauthorized individuals.

The retail version of Windows XP is meant to be checked out to students and faculty for installation on their personal machines. Unique product keys may be downloaded from MSDN Subscriber Downloads, and should be provided to each student or faculty member who checks out or downloads Windows XP. Keys are distributed in blocks of 25. You may request additional keys via MSDN Subscriber Downloads..

Please do not distribute the volume license versions of software to students. We appreciate your cooperation.
