
FileZilla 作者的興趣

November 2003 - FileZilla

What is your development environment like?
* Dell Inspiron 8200 notebook: P4m 1.6GHz, 512MB RAM, 15-inch UXGA Display (1600x1200 resolution)
* MS Visual C++ 6 (I don't like the interface of VC 7 and 7.1)
* NSIS to compile the installer
* TortoiseCVS (hosted on SourceForge.net)
* most used libraries: MS Platform SDK, MFC, STLport
* and most important: Winamp. I can't work if it's too quiet. I listen mainly to free music by independent musicians, Weird Al, and a huge collection of over 5,000 chiptunes and classical music.

一樣都是需要音樂。 :-)
